The S'kytri, which translates to the Windborn in their language, were a sapient race of winged humanoids native to the planet Skye, also known to the Galactic Empire as Marat V. Typically, they exhibited a tall, muscular, and slender physique, leading to their widespread recognition as one of the most aesthetically pleasing species throughout the galaxy. Over the course of their history, the S'kytri developed a reputation as honorable warrior poets.

Originating from Skye, the S'kytri were a species of towering, sentient mammals. Their physical appearance bore a resemblance to Humans, the galaxy's most prevalent species, in several aspects: they possessed humanoid forms featuring two arms with five-fingered hands, two legs ending in five-toed feet, and a face marked by a mouth, nose, and two forward-facing eyes. However, other traits clearly distinguished them from their distant Human relatives. The most notable differences included their expansive, seemingly membranous wings, their distinctly non-Human skin tones, and their impressive stature. While the average Human only reached around 1.70 meters, many S'kytri exceeded two meters, with individuals below 1.80 meters considered short.
Given their status as a flying race, the S'kytri considered excessive weight to be both impractical and perilous, which explains their slender and muscular builds. Furthermore, their skeletons were hollow, akin to those of birds, facilitating easier flight. These factors, coupled with their unusual characteristics, contributed to their widespread admiration as a beautiful species across the galaxy.
In contrast to most mammals, who give birth to live offspring, the S'kytri hatched from eggs. Female S'kytri were born with green skin, while males had blue skin. Any egg that was believed to contain a female with blue skin or a male with green skin was deemed an abomination and was immediately killed. Their hair color varied from moonlight blond to jet black, and their eyes ranged from dark blue to light silver, encompassing every hue in between.
Adolescence began around the age of twelve, with biological maturity reached at seventeen. Middle age commenced around forty years, while seniority was attained at sixty-five. The S'kytri had a life expectancy of approximately seventy-five standard years, with those exceeding this age regarded as venerable.
The S'kytri were organized into clans, which were further divided into three groups: the Lowland and Highland Clans, as well as the exiled Outland Clan. Each group's members displayed unique markings. These clans resided in cities constructed within the mountains and were governed by a Supreme Council. The title of Patriarch, the leader of all S'kytri, alternated between the leaders of the two primary Councils. Upon assuming the position, a clan leader would hold it for a 22-year term, after which they were obligated to transfer the title to the other clan. Generally, the Windborn disapproved of violence, yet they demonstrated themselves as capable and valiant warriors when necessary. Arrogance was a prevalent trait in their mindset. Due to the numerous advantages afforded by their wings, the S'kytri considered species incapable of natural flight to be inferior. This cultural bias was particularly evident in the behavior of young adults, who also exhibited tendencies toward disobedience and boldness.
The S'kytri evolved on Skye, a planet located in the Varada sector within the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. Their initial encounter with the broader galactic community occurred as early as the Hundred-Year Darkness, a conflict spanning from 7003 to approximately 6900 BBY. During that era, some S'kytri had become Dark Jedi under the leadership of Remulus Dreypa, a Jedi Admiral who had succumbed to the dark side and was banished by his order.
During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Skye faced a threat from a genetic terrorist, Zeta Magnus, who attempted to devastate the planet. The Jedi intervened, with three Jedi warriors, Halagad Ventor, General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, saving the planet from imminent destruction. As a result of these events, the S'kytri developed unwavering loyalty to the Jedi.
At the conclusion of the war in 19 BBY, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, revealed his true nature, transforming the democratic government into an autocratic Galactic Empire and ordering the elimination of all Jedi. Due to the newly established Empire's inherent speciesism and their strong ties to the Jedi, the S'kytri were subjected to enslavement. A female named Kharys, who had witnessed the Jedi's intervention at the age of thirteen, allied herself with the Empire and was placed in charge of her people by Darth Vader, the armored right-hand of the Galactic Emperor Palpatine. Vader was none other than Anakin Skywalker, who had turned to the dark side, and he trained Kharys in the ways of the Force, including lightsaber combat. Under the rule of this new Majestrix Kharys, who enforced the Imperial doctrine, the Windborn endured many years of servitude.
Following the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness, a group of Jedi Knights that included several S'kytri suffered a crash landing on the planet Kesh. Around 2974 BBY, the Force-sensitive descendants of the stranded Jedi—known collectively as the Doomed—were led by Kaliska, the last known surviving member of the S'kytri species within their community.
While established lore dictates that S'kytri are only born with blue or green skin, the Ultimate Alien Anthology features an image of a female with red skin. This inconsistency was later addressed with the creation of the red-skinned Outland Clan in the novella SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story.
In issues #3, #4 and #5 of Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith—Spiral, the name S'kytri is incorrectly spelled as Sky'tri.