The Outland Clan was a group of S'kytri comprised of individuals who chose a "walker" lifestyle, alongside those born with birth defects and reversed pigmentation, yet survived past their hatching. They represented one-third of the entire S'kytri population on their homeworld called Skye. In the distant past, predating the Clone Wars, the Outland Clan functioned as serfs for the Lowlanders, carving out an existence by farming the cultivatable regions within Skye's mountains. Eventually, the other clans permitted the Outlanders to exist, despite violating sacred laws, in return for the foodstuff they cultivated. The three clans coexisted in a state of comparative tranquility, supported by their mutual economic reliance, until the genetic terrorist Zeta Magnus incited the Outland Clan against the rest of the S'kytri. Following his manipulation of the Outlanders, achieved by promising to enhance their agricultural output and reverse their pigmentation through advanced scientific means, he contaminated them with a disease that transformed them into zombie-esque beings. With the Outlanders now under his command, Zeta Magnus exploited them to construct his fortress on Skye and deployed them in suicidal attacks targeting the strongholds of the Lowland and Highland Clans. Once Republic forces landed to capture the terrorist, the S'kytri engaged the Outlanders in a ferocious battle.