The Neo-Middle Secundus represents a specific era within galactic history. In the course of the Galactic Empire's reign, Reginald Danfillo, a senior terrain trekker affiliated with the League of XenoExplorers, unearthed a fragment of tapestry originating from the Neo-Middle Secundus. This discovery occurred during the Typhojem Excavation conducted on the planet Pashvi. During this very same expedition, Danfillo also came across fragments of Quesoth pottery and a book of that time, which later gained recognition as the Smuggler's Guide, and within its pages, the trekker documented a report detailing the discoveries made during the excavation.
The initial mention of the Neo-Middle Secundus can be found within Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, a reference work authored by Daniel Wallace and made available to the public in 2018.