
Pashvi, a celestial body situated in the expanse of Wild Space, served as the clandestine location where the pirate Queen, Maz Kanata, concealed a portion of the riches amassed during her time in power. This treasure was secured within a hidden vault, fortified with an antitamper sub-space alarm. The details of this hidden cache were subsequently documented by her in the book that would eventually be known as the Smuggler's Guide. Following the guide, the smuggler Tryphon Leo journeyed to Pashvi, seeking the treasure he believed to be located within the Shrove of the Left-Handed God Typhojem. During his treasure hunt, Leo met his death, his remains later discovered by senior terrain trekker Reginald Danfillo from the League of XenoExplorers.


Pashvi was a planet found within the Wild Space area of the galaxy.


Treasure trove

After her time as a pirate queen, Maz Kanata secreted away some of the wealth she had obtained in a buried vault, fitted with an antitamper sub-space alarm, within the Shrove of the Left-Handed God Typhojem on Pashvi. By the time she started writing the book that would later become the Smuggler's Guide, the alarm on Pashvi hadn't been triggered. Because of this, she included a map and coordinates in the book showing the locations of each of her vaults so that a worthy reader may one day claim them. Hoping the book would grow and others would add to it, Kanata allowed the smuggler Tryphon Leo to steal it from her during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

After examining the book, Leo decided to try and take the treasure on Pashvi, since it was the closest to his location on Vergesso. Because the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate was operating in the region of space where Pashvi was located, the smuggler kept the cache a secret, not discussing the shrine with any of Pashvi's inhabitants.

Crushing failure

Tryphon Leo died on Pashvi.

He believed he could move all of the treasure on a gravsled and so chose to work by himself to avoid sharing the loot. Leo was killed in front of a Typhojem Thrall seventy meters along the Grand Causeway while searching for the treasure when a massive rock fell from the ceiling, crushing him.

Leo's corpse was later discovered by senior terrain trekker Reginald Danfillo of the League of XenoExplorers during the archaeological Typhojem Excavation of the shrove. Danfillo also located Quesoth pottery fragments and a piece of tapestry from the Neo-Middle Secundus during the expedition, which the trekker noted in a file that was added to the Smuggler's Guide, which Danfillo had taken from Leo's body. Danfillo was disappointed to find that the guide was a contemporary object and commented that it might be something that could sold to a spacer.

The book then ended up in a box of reading material elsewhere on Pashvi, where it was found nestled between The Biography of Master Thief Makuta and The Field Guide to Trammic Reptavians by the Besalisk Dexter Jettster, who bought it and wrote a brief passage in the book before departing Pashvi and traveling to Athus Klee in the stellar skirt of the Tingel Arm region.


During the Galactic Empire's rule, Pashvi was populated by native inhabitants.

Behind the scenes

Pashvi was initially mentioned in current canon within Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, a reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and published in 2018. The world's origins lie in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first indirectly referenced within the 2006 novel Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn, and subsequently named in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, penned by Wallace and Jason Fry. Within Legends, the natives of Pashvi were a sentient species also referred to as the Pashvi.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
