Neutralizer-class bomber

The Neutralizer-class bomber, a [starfighter](/article/starfighter/legends], emerged from Sienar Fleet Systems during the Sith–Imperial War era. Its design was rooted in the Predator-class fighter. The Fel Empire, supported by the Sith, deployed these bombers against the Galactic Alliance. Post-conflict, their operational history was brief. As forces loyal to Roan Fel, the deposed Emperor, initiated a rebellion against Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith's government, the Sith Empire dispatched Neutralizer-class bombers for aerial assaults on locations suspected of sheltering supporters of the Emperor-in-exile.


The Neutralizer-class fighter functioned as a versatile bomber within Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. Sienar Fleet Systems' engineers developed it by evolving the Predator-class TIE fighter's blueprint. The Neutralizer was larger, more robust, and less maneuverable than the Predator. It boasted impressive shields for a fighter of its dimensions, yet maintained agility for a bomber, achieving atmospheric speeds of 1,500 kilometers per hour. The bomber also incorporated a Class 1.0 hyperdrive and a navicomputer for interstellar journeys.

The Neutralizer accommodated a single pilot and was armed with two medium laser cannons alongside a proton torpedo launcher, carrying a payload of 10 proton torpedoes. It could also store a week's worth of provisions and support cargo weighing up to 110 kilograms.


The Neutralizer, a multi-role bomber, fulfilled a variety of functions. Its main task involved attacking enemy ground installations and breaching fortified positions. The Neutralizer-class bomber also executed air strikes against sites believed to be harboring enemy sympathizers.


During the Sith–Imperial War, which began in 127 ABY, the conflict between the Fel Empire, backed by the Sith, and the Galactic Alliance, Sienar Fleet Systems' engineers engineered the Neutralizer-class bomber through modifications to the Predator-class starfighter. Production numbers of the Neutralizer were lower compared to the Predator fighter, but the bomber participated in the attack on the planet Ossus near the war's conclusion.

As its primary function centered on assaulting fortified locations and strafing ground emplacements, the Neutralizer saw limited action following the Sith–Imperial War. However, when forces loyal to Roan Fel, the Emperor-in-exile overthrown by Darth Krayt, started to resist the Sith regime, Krayt's Empire deployed Neutralizer-class bombers to conduct air strikes against locations suspected of sheltering supporters of the deposed Emperor Fel.

Behind the scenes

The Neutralizer-class bomber was initially referenced in the 2009 Legacy Era Campaign Guide, a roleplaying game sourcebook from Wizards of the Coast.


  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
