Ni-Cada was a Jedi Master of the Cerean species, a male individual strong in the Force. He dedicated his service to the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Approximately 67 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Order dispatched him, along with his Padawan, Lo Bukk, to the planet of Abraxin. Their mission was to investigate the ongoing massacres of the native Marsh haunts, acts committed by Naat Lare, a Nautolan also sensitive to the Force. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, the Sith Lord known as Darth Plagueis was also on Abraxin, seeking out Lare. Plagueis successfully contacted Lare and convinced him to attack Ni-Cada and his apprentice as a demonstration of his commitment to the Sith. Ni-Cada ultimately killed Lare following a brief conflict.
Forty-five years prior to the Clone Wars, a significant galactic war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ni-Cada, a Cerean Jedi Master who was male and attuned to the Force, served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. The Jedi Order dispatched him and his Padawan, Lo Bukk, a Zabrak also male, to the planet Abraxin, a swampy world situated within the Tion Cluster. Their assignment was to investigate the persistent slaughter of the Marsh haunts, non-sentient swamp creatures with gray and green skin. These killings were being perpetrated by Naat Lare, a Nautolan male strong in the Force. Darth Venamis, a prospective Bith Sith Lord within the lineage of Darth Bane, had identified Lare as a possible Sith apprentice.
During their time on the swampy planet, the Jedi were negotiating with a member of the Barabel species, cold-blooded reptilians hailing from Barab I, for a water skimmer. At that moment, the Muun Sith Lord Darth Plagueis happened to pass by in disguise. Both Ni-Cada and Lo Bukk sensed Plagueis' presence, though neither recognized him as a Sith, a group of Force-sensitives who drew power from the dark side of the Force. Later, while carrying flagons of liquid from a local eatery, the Jedi unknowingly encountered Darth Plagueis again as they sat at a table and discussed the recent Marsh haunt killings with the Muun. Unbeknownst to Ni-Cada and his Padawan, the Muun was secretly also searching for Lare. Subsequently, Plagueis successfully contacted Lare and manipulated him into attacking Ni-Cada and his apprentice as proof of his worthiness to join the Sith. Ni-Cada killed Lare following a short skirmish near the water, where the Jedi had tracked Lare using the skimmer.
Ni-Cada displayed a more reserved demeanor, choosing to withhold the reason for his visit to Abraxin from Plagueis, although Lo Bukk divulged the information to the Muun regardless. Ni-Cada was noted for his tall and rangy physique. When the Muun Sith Lord Darth Plagueis passed by in disguise, both Ni-Cada and Lo Bukk sensed Plagueis' presence, though neither identified him as a Sith, a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force.
Ni-Cada's inaugural and, to date, sole appearance occurred in the 2012 novel titled Darth Plagueis, authored by James Luceno. The novel delves into the backstory of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Plagueis.