Nil: A Quint of the male persuasion, was employed by Jenna Zan Arbor. He held the scientist in extremely high regard, admiring her intellect, though she appeared indifferent to his admiration.
Nil's duties included guarding Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn after his capture by Ona Nobis, a bounty hunter working for Zan Arbor. Following some experimentation, Qui-Gon managed to momentarily incapacitate Nil during an attempted escape by creating a distraction. However, the Jedi's escape was thwarted by a paralysis dart, and Nil returned him to his confinement. Enraged by his failure, Nil advocated for Qui-Gon's execution; Zan Arbor agreed, but opted to delay the action.
Yet again, Nil was outmaneuvered and deceived by a Jedi. When Astri Oddo, posing as Ona Nobis, delivered a "captured" Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Quint grew wary. Obi-Wan swiftly used Nobis' pilfered whip to ensnare Nil, depositing him within a vacant holding cell before he and Astri proceeded to liberate Qui-Gon.
Following the Jedi's discovery of Zan Arbor, forcing her to flee, Nil's usefulness expired, resulting in her injecting him with a deadly poison.