Numinn was a Zabrak male, identified as a fleet admiral, who gave service to the Republic Navy. His service occurred during both the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed, which involved the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was the leading force behind the formation of the Coruscant Aegis squadron. This Republic task force was comprised of various individuals who launched attacks on Imperial targets throughout the galaxy. Following a critical failure at the Coruscant Spaceport, the smuggler known as Voidhound took on the admiral's identity.
During the Battle of Ilum, Numinn was a participant in the emergency war council. This council was assembled to formulate a response to Darth Malgus and his New Empire. Numinn initially thought Malgus would only target his former Imperial allies, but General Elin Garza reminded him of the Sith's past atrocities during the Sacking of Coruscant.
In 3627 BBY, during the third Galactic War, Numinn was involved in the defense of the Meridian Complex, a newly established Republic shipyard located on Corellia. This defense took place when Darth Malgus initiated a large-scale invasion with the intention of destroying the complex.