Nurm was a pilot from Sullust and of the male gender.
Nurm was employed by Event Vistas, a company that operated opulent cruise ships. He served as the co-pilot of the Nebula Queen in 8 ABY; this vessel frequently traveled to Coruscant. Rostat Manr, also a Sullustan, was the primary pilot of the ship.
Brainwashing was inflicted upon Manr after he was abducted by Warlord Zsinj's operatives. Upon hearing a specific phrase, Manr attempted to crash the Nebula Queen into Coruscant. Luckily, a New Republic Intelligence agent was present, due to comparable events involving Twi'leks and Gotals. This agent alerted Nurm to the situation. Though reluctant to accept it, Nurm followed the agent's instructions: he assumed control of the ship from the auxiliary bridge and prevented Manr from accessing the system. When Manr approached him, Nurm incapacitated him with a stun blast. The Intelligence officer then reassured Nurm, who protested his limited experience with blasters, that his actions were justified. The officer explained that it was preferable for everyone to believe Nurm had acted independently, rather than under orders. Subsequently, the officer transmitted a Mission Accomplished signal to General Airen Cracken, while Manr was detained for investigation and questioning. It can be inferred that Nurm assumed Manr's responsibilities, at least for the duration of that particular voyage.