Ogres were a type of sizable sentient humanoid species, characterized by their robust and muscular builds. One particular individual, known as Gantu, displayed features such as pale, bumpy skin, sharply pointed ears, and a sparse collection of unkempt black hair atop his relatively small head. This specific Ogre made his home in the region of Zandor on the Forest Moon of Endor, where he launched raids against other sentient beings, operating from his base within a spacious cave. This Ogre felled the local sunnydew flowers, plunging Zandor into a perpetual state of drought and incurring the wrath of the native Zandor Rockers.
Gantu's predatory excursions were halted when Chirpa, the chief of the Ewok tribe, absconded with the bridge crystal that Gantu employed to conjure the Rainbow Bridge, which facilitated his passage across the Gorge of Fire and into Ewok territory. Some years later, the crystal met its final end during a confrontation with the Ewoks Teebo and Wicket W. Warrick, effectively severing the Ogre's access to Ewok lands for the foreseeable future.

Ogres constituted a race of towering, sentient humanoids, typically reaching heights of approximately 3.5 meters. At least one member of this species, namely Gantu, possessed a complexion characterized by pale, greenish, and warty skin. Ogre bodies were powerfully built and stout. Their arms possessed the strength required to lift and carry substantial objects, while their legs were sufficiently long to enable them to traverse greater distances compared to smaller species, such as the Ewoks. The head appeared disproportionately small relative to the overall body size, an effect accentuated by the thick neck upon which it rested. Ogres had four digits on each hand. The Ogre Gantu typically adorned himself in simple attire, consisting of a green shirt, an orange belt, red pants, and orange shoes.
The facial features of Ogres included pointed ears, closely spaced eyes, a diminutive nose, and a broad mouth containing a red tongue. Their sparse teeth seemed to protrude directly from their lips, rather than originating from the gums. The Ogre Gantu exhibited black eyebrows and a scattering of scraggly black hairs sprouting from the tips of his ears and the crown of his head.

At least one Ogre resided within the Zandor area of the Forest Moon of Endor. He took up residence in a spacious cave boasting a high ceiling, allowing him to comfortably stand at his full height. The Ogre sustained himself by conducting raids on settlements inhabited by other sentient beings, plundering them for essential provisions.
Whether acquired through theft or production, the Ogre of Endor had access to rudimentary items, including sleeping furs, storage containers, and stone bowls. He brandished a spiked wooden club as a weapon in combat. Ogres possessed the capacity to acquire proficiency in foreign languages. For instance, the Ogre Gantu demonstrated the ability to speak Ewokese, albeit with a limited degree of fluency.
Ogres consumed a variety of food items, including honey. However, they exhibited no moral qualms about consuming other sentient beings, as evidenced by Gantu's pursuit of Ewoks for use as a meal. These beings were prone to drooling, and at least one individual suffered from nyctophobia, a profound aversion to night and the darkness associated with it.

The Ogre Gantu established his presence in the region of Zandor on the Forest Moon of Endor. Driven by his fear of darkness, he proceeded to cut down the region's sunnydew flowers, utilizing their nectar to illuminate his cave. This action also resulted in the desiccation of the area, the destruction of the majority of its plant life, and the earning of the animosity of a group of sentients known as the Zandor Rockers.
At some juncture, Gantu came into possession of the bridge crystal, a prismatic stone capable of generating a Rainbow Bridge when exposed to sunlight, thereby enabling passage across the Gorge of Fire to Ewok territory. Gantu initiated raids on the settlement of Bright Tree Village, where he pilfered honey and captured Ewoks for consumption. One night, Gantu awoke to discover the Ewok chief, Chirpa, within his cave. Chirpa fled from Zandor, carrying with him the bridge crystal and some sunnydew nectar. Deprived of access to the Rainbow Bridge, Gantu found himself confined to his home territory. He vowed to exact revenge upon the Ewoks.
Years later, in 3 ABY, Gantu once again encountered intruders in his cave: the Ewoks Teebo and Wicket W. Warrick, along with a lone Zandor Rocker. During the ensuing struggle, the bridge crystal was shattered, but Gantu became drenched in sunnydew nectar. His body began to emit light, and he joyfully departed, no longer burdened by his fear of dark places. The permanent destruction of the bridge crystal brought an end to his raids into Ewok territory.
The Ogre Gantu makes an appearance in Ewoks 1, the inaugural issue of the Ewoks comic book published by Marvel Comics. The story was authored by David Manak, illustrated by Warren Kremer, and initially released on January 29, 1985.