
Oramis was a Human woman, a member of the Scions of Zakuul, who lived during the time of the war against Zakuul. Following the death of their leader, Heskal, at the hands of Arcann in the Battle of Asylum, the surviving Scions escaped the fury of Vaylin, Arcann's sister, who chased them throughout explored space. After the Alliance Commander vanquished Vaylin, seized the Eternal Throne, and established the Eternal Alliance, the Scions journeyed to the newly found planet of Iokath. There, amidst the battle for Iokath, the Commander made contact with the Scions. Oramis then revealed their inability to join the rebellion, clarifying that recent happenings had roused Tyth, one of the ancient Old Gods of Zakuul, who posed a renewed threat of immense destruction. Oramis prophesied that the Commander would face these Gods and overcome them, proving worthy of inheriting the droid bodies.

Behind the scenes

Oramis makes an appearance in the "Facing the Machines of War" quest on Iokath in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne.

