Orbis Keln was a Jedi Master of the Human species and identified as male. In contrast to the rest of the Jedi Order, who regarded the Voss and their perspectives on the Force as a danger and therefore refrained from involvement in the Republic's attempts to forge an alliance with them, Keln resolved to prevent the Voss from forming an alliance with the Sith Empire. During the time of the Galactic War, he journeyed to Voss with the intention of discovering proof of the ancient history shared by the Jedi and Sith on that world. Keln's intention was to present these tablets to the Voss, hoping to persuade them to officially align themselves with the Republic. Nevertheless, he encountered the Empire within the Quel-Dora ruins and met his death.
During the Empire quest line, specifically the "Erasing Evidence" mission on Voss, Keln, in his final moments, implores the player(s) to safeguard the ancient tablets, even if it means they are relegated to a Sith archive. The player(s) have the option to either deliver the tablets to Darth Serevin, thereby gaining light side points, or destroy them, which results in the acquisition of dark side points.