The Order of the Ffib, alternatively referred to as the Ffib, constituted a theocratic religious group with its central base located on Lorahns.
The Ffib considered their own faith to be the one and only true religion within the galaxy, dismissing all other belief systems as fraudulent. Furthermore, this sect asserted its pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and pledged absolution from sins. Governance was managed by a priestly council situated at a Great Temple found on Lorahns.
The Ffib dispatched missionaries to various off-world locations with the intention of disseminating their doctrines, thereby establishing communities across numerous planets. These communities professed allegiance solely to the Ffib leadership residing on Lorahns. Occasionally, these affiliated branches were perceived as a threat to established order on certain planets and were subsequently expelled, sometimes through forceful means. A lengthy register existed, documenting martyrs who had perished while serving the Ffib order, and these individuals were revered as sacred entities. These missionaries also functioned as diplomatic envoys and representatives of the Ffib, frequently engaging in acts of espionage and dubious transactions, which stood in stark contrast to their professed beliefs. An example of such a branch was the Daughters of the Ffib.
This theocratic sect displayed extreme anti-Jedi sentiments stemming from the Jedi's refusal to embrace conversion to the Ffib sect, in addition to the Jedi Order's awareness of the deceptive nature of the Ffib priests and missionaries, recognizing them as agents of manipulation. In an effort to validate their animosity toward the Jedi, the Ffib propagated claims that the Jedi were responsible for a multitude of atrocities, the majority of which were fabricated. Only one specific accusation held partial validity. The notorious pirate Reess Kairn – a former Jedi – perpetrated a raid on the Ffib's Grand Temple, resulting in the destruction of sacred texts, the theft of invaluable artifacts, and the demise of four Ffib priests during his escape. However, they conveniently overlooked the fact that Kairn had long since abandoned his Jedi affiliation and had violated their principles when he committed this act.

The genesis of the Ffib can be traced back to the concluding centuries of the Galactic Republic on Lorahns. Initially, the Ffib represented merely one among numerous cults present on the planet; however, through adept promotion of their doctrines, they eventually succeeded in converting a substantial portion of Lorahns's populace. Consequently, Lorahns evolved into one of the galaxy's theocratic states, alongside the planet Monastery, governed by the Order of the Sacred Circle, and the Pius Dea sect, which exercised dominion over the Republic from 12,000 BBY to 11,000 BBY through Supreme Chancellor Contispex I and his successive descendants.
Throughout their centuries-long reign, they suppressed all alternative religious expressions and ideologies on Lorahns, with transgressions considered acts of treason and subject to severe penalties. The Ffib also maintained their own security apparatus, employed to exert control over the planetary inhabitants. The governing bodies of other planets and systems exhibited tolerance toward the Ffib's authority over Lorahns, primarily due to their maintenance of stability and non-aggression on the planet.
Driven by aspirations of galactic dominance, the Ffib dispatched missionaries to regions beyond their home world. These missionaries became ubiquitous figures across numerous planets, successfully establishing communities that demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the Ffib authority centered on Lorahns. In some instances, these affiliated branches were deemed a threat to the established order on specific planets and were subsequently expelled, occasionally through violent means. A comprehensive list existed, documenting martyrs who had sacrificed their lives in service to the Ffib order. The Ffib venerated these individuals as sacred beings.
These missionaries also functioned as diplomatic representatives and agents of the Ffib, frequently engaging in acts of espionage and questionable dealings, which contradicted the principles they espoused to their followers. In 32 BBY, the Ffib order collaborated with the Gran Protectorate of Malastare in a scheme aimed at facilitating an assassination attempt by the Lannik terrorist faction Red Iaro on the legitimate Lannik ruler and a contingent of Jedi.
The Ffib endured the Clone Wars and were spared persecution by the Galactic Empire, potentially owing to their animosity toward the Jedi. On one occasion, the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett once collected a reward of 500,000 credit for capturing Nivek'Yppiks, a Ffib heretic wanted by the sect's leadership.