Ossus conspiracy theory

Ossus-FDCR A popular conspiracy theory among those seeking Ossus. A conspiracy theory, enjoying popularity amongst theorists, centered around the planet Ossus during the era of the Clone Wars. The narrative suggests that Count Dooku, accompanied by IG-100 MagnaGuards, established a Separatist base on the planet to unearth ancient artifacts. This claim was supposedly revealed by a dying ARC trooper early in the war. Nearly two years later, spurred by whispers of a Separatist discovery, Jedi Master Tholme dispatched an elite ARC trooper team for investigation. They successfully infiltrated the base, secured several artifacts, and then requested an aerial attack. However, the truth is that Tholme had died in 22 BBY, during the war's initial year.

The rumors and the conspiracy theories became more prevalent as public sentiment shifted negatively against the Jedi during their final days.

Behind the scenes

Within the Star Wars Legends narrative, the planet Ossus was the site of two battles throughout the Clone Wars. The first occurred early in the conflict, while the second took place during the Outer Rim Sieges, featuring an assault on a Separatist base.


  • Nexus of Power (First mentioned)

Notes and references
