Pango was a Chortose male who worked at Agricultural Hub 42 on the astronomical object Chortose with their sibling, Gru. When Nihil marauders attacked the facility in order to steal the sprayer droids used there, Pango sent a distress signal to the Jedi Order on Starlight Beacon. As the Nihil entered the factory, Gru, believing that the Jedi would not respond to the distress call, told Pango that they would have to defend Agricultural Hub 42 themselves. The Nihil shot Gru, injuring him, but were stopped from doing further harm by the Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis. Pango remained with Gru as Trennis fought the Nihil, and was grabbed by one of the raiders. After Trennis was knocked down by the Nihil and Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni arrived to assist her, Jareni ordered the pirate to release Pango.