Gru, a Chortose native to Chortose, was employed at Agricultural Hub 42 during the time of the High Republic Era. He had a sibling, Pango, who was also an employee at the same factory. During the attack_on_chortose by the Nihil marauders on Agricultural Hub 42, who sought to seize the facility's sprayer droids, Pango tried to signal the Jedi Order. Gru, however, believed this effort would be pointless and urged his brother to join him in defending the factory. As the Nihil invaded the facility, they shot and wounded Gru, with the intent to kill both Chortose and abscond with the droids. Fortunately, the Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis and Wayseeker Orla Jareni intervened, defeating the Nihil and rescuing both the Chortose and the factory.