Agricultural Hub 42, a factory operated by Chortose laborers, was situated on Chortose within the Rseik sector. This facility cultivated diverse plants and employed sprayer droids. In the High Republic Era, Agricultural Hub 42 became the target of an attack by the Nihil marauders, who sought to seize its sprayer droids. At the time of the assault, two Chortose siblings, Pango and Gru, were present inside the factory; Pango endeavored to transmit a distress signal to the Jedi Order stationed on Starlight Beacon, but Gru doubted their response. As the Nihil forces breached the factory, Keeve Trennis, a Jedi Knight, stepped in to defend the Chortose workers. Despite Trennis being initially overpowered, the Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni appeared to provide assistance.