Panna City

Panna City existed as a settlement located on the planet Panna Prime.


Garbage chutes going out from the city.

This spaceport, Panna City, was quite damaged and rested upon the surface of the dense, icy waters. A synthetic flotation bubble ensured that it remained buoyant on the muddy ocean. A bustling market place and multi-tiered plazas were features of the city. Certain vendors offered medications to combat the effects of the anti-sleeping virus.

Numerous garbage chutes ejected refuse into the adjacent muddy sea, providing sustenance for different types of organisms that inhabited the mud. Gaining access to the city was achievable by ascending an unused chute. Throughout the entire Panna system, the city was regarded as the most renowned settlement.

During the year 0 ABY, Panna City was under the control of the Galactic Empire. Stormtrooper patrols were a common sight on the streets, and armed landspeeders guarded the city's perimeter, prepared to stop anyone suspicious. Within the city, Chewbacca and Boba Fett searched for a cure to the sleeping virus that afflicted Han Solo. Before departing, Fett used a terminal to secretly communicate with Darth Vader.

