
title: Pathways

"Pathways" is a tale featured within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 that centers around a battle droid who finds himself lost.

Plot summary

While advancing toward a Galactic Republic fortification situated on Antamont, a lone battle droid triggers a mine, causing a devastating explosion within the ranks. Miraculously, this particular battle droid endures, but his connection to the collective consciousness is severed. With the revelation that his existence holds unforeseen possibilities, the droid makes his escape. However, his departure is witnessed by a single grapple droid, who gives chase, ultimately resulting in both droids plummeting from a precipice. As the grapple droid begins to fail, it expresses fear of its impending demise, but the battle droid offers solace and remains by its side until its functions cease. Leaving behind his destroyed former pursuer, the battle droid discovers a solitary tree where he settles down, his energy reserves nearing depletion. He stays there for several years, until he is eventually discovered by a band of farmers, who resolve to reactivate him and employ him for agricultural tasks.

