Pazda Desilijic Tiure held membership within the Desilijic kajidic and was related to Jabba as his uncle.
A notable feature of Pazda was his significant beard. Being Jabba's uncle, he shared brotherhood with Zorba (who also exhibited this trait), Jiliac, and Ziro.
During the period of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Pazda seemed to act as a Desilijic leader, evidenced by his presence at the court of Borga the Hutt. Pazda expressed worry regarding Borga's choice to form an alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong, believing it would spell disaster for Nal Hutta and the Hutts. He openly criticized the arrangement, but Borga appeared to disregard his objections, given the superior power of the Besadii kajidic among the Hutt clans at that time.
As predicted, the Yuuzhan Vong demonstrated greater deception than Borga, initiating an attack against Fondor, despite its status as a primary spice trading hub for the Hutts.