Pech Seki

Pech Seki was a male Human who belonged to the Meatlump gang. This group of thugs, who despised technology, operated on the Core World of Corellia during the Galactic Civil War.


After the Battle of Yavin, Seki made his home in the Meatlump Cave, situated close to the city of Tyrena. He took part in the gang's anti-technology activities on the planet. However, Seki desired to leave the Meatlumps. By 1 ABY, he was prepared to abandon the cave and his life as a Meatlump, but he had left his bag and strongbox behind. Fortunately, he encountered an adventurer working as an independent agent for the Corellian Security Force. This adventurer was investigating the attack on starship captain Osto Grissom and aimed to stop the Meatlumps' acts of vandalism. The agent agreed to assist Seki, and soon after, Seki retrieved his belongings and was finally able to escape his life as a Meatlump.

Behind the scenes

Pech Seki appeared as a non-player character (NPC) in the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG developed by Sony Online Entertainment, before the game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Seki was introduced to the game through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, which went live on June 8, 2006. Players could find him inside the Meatlump Cave, near Tyrena on Corellia. During the "CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery" quest — which was part of the Legacy quest, the game's longest questline — players would enter the cave to eliminate Meatlumps and destroy their supplies. Seki offered a small side quest where players could find his bag and strongbox inside the cave. The reward for completing this mission was approximately 15,000 credits.

