The individual serving as the Security Officer at the Peragus Mining Facility was in charge of the station's security during the time of the Skirmish at Peragus II which took place in 3951 BBY.
He was known to be a very strict officer. His strictness stemmed from his desire to ensure that mining personnel used only sonic charges or mining lasers, with the threat of being ejected into space for non-compliance. His strict enforcement was motivated by the events involving Peragian fuel that had previously occurred on Peragus II. He held a strong suspicion of Coorta, reportedly disliking him intensely.
Upon Meetra Surik's arrival at the facility aboard the damaged Ebon Hawk, accompanied by an HK-50 unit disguised as a simple protocol droid which was then placed in maintenance, a series of unexplained droid malfunctions began to occur. The officer became extremely frustrated by the lack of explanations for these incidents. He was convinced that sabotage was the cause and demanded that the maintenance officer identify the perpetrator. He also suspected Surik's involvement, as the incidents began after she refused to sell the Jedi to the Exchange. Furthermore, he instructed the maintenance officer to gather all available sonic and ion charges for security purposes, recognizing the need for more potent weaponry than mining lasers to deal with potentially rogue mining droids.
He implemented an emergency override switch designed to disable all droids on the level, anticipating the possibility of being locked out of the administration console by the saboteur. He integrated this override switch into the holding cell's circuitry, ensuring that the cell could only be opened after all droids on the level were deactivated. He also concealed a stealth field generator within a footlocker located in the security room. This was intended to allow him to bypass the mining droids undetected and then disable them using the override switch at the communications blister. His intention was to uncover the saboteur's identity and regain control of the situation, but he was presumably killed before he could execute his plan.
However, his actions did have an impact on Meetra Surik. She was compelled to either destroy the droids on the level or evade them using the stealth field generator and deactivate them. Only then could she gain access to the holding cell where Atton Rand was being held.