Perovius was a male Human who held the position of guard captain for Baron Peyar Cortess of House Cortess. Upon Peyar's accusation of his wife, Chay Cortess, for treason, he gave Perovius the command to kill her.
Shortly thereafter, Cipher Nine and Vector Hyllus infiltrated Peyar's throne room. Peyar pleaded with the Imperial operatives to protect his House from the Killiks. Nevertheless, Cipher Nine eliminated Peyar, and then proceeded to eliminate Perovius, before permitting the Killiks to commence their assault.
The player has the option to stand against the Killiks and safeguard House Cortess, earning light side points, or to permit the Killiks to seize the House Cortess property for themselves, which grants dark side points. Should the player select the light side path, Perovius, along with the other members of House Cortess, will survive the Killik incursion.