Baroness Chay Cortess was the spouse of Baron Peyar Cortess, who was the head of House Cortess, a prominent noble family originating from Alderaan. Her family aligned with House Thul, making them supporters of the reconstituted Sith Empire.
During the period known as the Cold War, Imperial Intelligence deployed their up-and-coming operative, known as Cipher Nine, to find details about who was funding "The Eagle," a terrorist leader who had assassinated Darth Jadus, a member of the Dark Council. At first, the Baroness was unwelcoming, denying the Agent access to her property. However, eventually, the Cipher Agent managed to speak with both the Baron and Baroness, explaining the purpose of their visit: to find the Eagle's financial supporter on Alderaan, who was identified as Denri Ayl, a former nobleman who had become a mediator. After defeating Ayl at the House Rist estate, Cipher Nine uncovered that Ayl had received backing from Baroness Chay. Subsequently, the Baroness initiated a lockdown of the Cortess estate, instructing the House guards to consider the Agent an enemy.
Assisted by Joiner representative Vector Hyllus, Cipher Nine dismantled House Cortess' defenses and gained entry to the throne room, presenting Chay with proof of her betrayal. The Baron, filled with fury, commanded his guard captain Perovius to execute the Baroness.