Pete Fletzer contributed to Star Wars Galaxy Magazine and Star Wars Insider magazine during the 1990s, writing for both Lucasfilm and Topps'. Steve Sansweet suggested Fletzer, who then proceeded to write articles covering topics such as toys, collectibles, fan narratives, and the premieres of Star Wars films in the New York region. In 2019, he started the Star Wars podcast known as Around the Galaxy.
- " To the IMAX " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 8
- " Ship Shapers " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 9
- " Sounding Off " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 10
- " Size Matters Not " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 11
- " Around the Galaxy " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 12
- " Keeper of the Star Wars Flame " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 12
- The Official Star Wars 20th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine
- Star Wars Insider 45