A Phalanx, alternatively known as a Household Phalanx or a Colonial Phalanx, constituted the main military unit of the Chiss species' armed forces, distinct and separate from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. These were organized into twenty-eight Phalanxes, each responsible for the defense of a specific colony world. Those assigned to the administrative centers of the Ruling Families were designated Household Phalanxes, differentiating them from the Colonial Phalanxes.

The Phalanx, whether a Household Phalanx or a Colonial Phalanx, served as the primary military formation for the Chiss species, existing independently from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, which was considered more of a diplomatic tool than a military asset. Comprising twenty-eight units, each Phalanx was stationed to safeguard one of the core colony worlds. Typically, a Phalanx was under the command of an officer appointed by the Syndic from one of the Ruling Families. Phalanxes stationed at the headquarters of the Ruling Families were designated as Household Phalanxes, setting them apart from their Colonial counterparts. The planet Naporar, the homeworld of the Nuruodo family, held the ultimate authority over all matters pertaining to both Household and Colonial Phalanxes. In times of emergency, the Defense Fleet would request support from Phalanxes within proximity.

During his time as Syndic, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," from the Eighth Ruling Family, directly commanded his own personal Household Phalanx. Utilizing his fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers, Imperial forces collaborated with the loyal native troops of his Household Phalanx. The territories seized during these campaigns formed the foundation for a new entity, the Empire of the Hand, a successor state to the Galactic Empire that maintained a tenuous relationship with the Chiss Ascendancy. Although Thrawn was considered a renegade by many of his people, many Aristocras secretly endorsed his actions, believing his proactive approach was vital for the safety of the Chiss. While the Ruling Families pretended to be unaware of this alliance, the average citizen was quite cognizant of its existence.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Commander Ina'ganet'nuruodo, known by the core name "Ganet," was in command of a phalanx that was loyal to a syndic who opposed the policies of Assistant Syndic Soontir Fel.