The Household Phalanx of Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also referred to as Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo's household phalanx, Mitth'raw'nuruodo's household phalanx, Grand Admiral Thrawn's Household Phalanx, Thrawn's Household Phalanx, or simply Thrawn's Phalanx, represented a Household Phalanx showing allegiance to Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo, more widely recognized across the galaxy as the Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn. One of its officers called it a "renegade phalanx." However, for a portion of its existence, it functioned under the protection of the Empire of the Hand.
A study by the University of Sanbra near the end of the New Republic era described Thrawn's House Phalanx as a "portion of the CEDF," but this seems to be a carefully worded reference to the number of Chiss military personnel who abandoned their posts to join it. This was potentially made worse by the author's uncertainty about the true status of the phalanx. Limited evidence suggests that a unit displaying the House colors of a Ruling Family should operate separately from the CEDF's black-clad troops. The Sanbra study also pointed out that the personnel in the House Phalanx had "taken an extended leave" to address threats beyond the Ascendancy's borders, an action that would have been considered "treason" and "secession" if the Ascendancy's leadership could publicly acknowledge it.
During his time as Syndic, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," of the Eighth Ruling Family led his own personal Household Phalanx. His Imperial Star Destroyer fleet and the Imperial forces collaborated with the native forces of his loyal Household Phalanx. The territories gained during these campaigns became the foundation for a new power, the Empire of the Hand. The Chiss Ascendancy had a tense relationship with this new government. Even though his people viewed Thrawn as a renegade, many Aristocras secretly backed his actions, believing that his proactive approach ultimately protected the Chiss people.
In 19 ABY, the Household Phalanx was commanded by the Chiss Commander Kres'ten'tarthi, who reported to Imperial General Baron Soontir Fel. While the Ruling Families pretended not to notice the alliance between the Household Phalanx and the Empire of the Hand, the average citizen was well aware of it. The Household Phalanx scout pilots were exploring Imperial and New Republic space using advanced long-range ships that combined elements of the TIE/LN starfighter design with alien technology. Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker were drawn into following these ships and discovered the command post known as the Hand of Thrawn on Nirauan. There, the Household Phalanx had a significant starfighter force of a hundred scouts and a garrison of Chiss warriors wearing burgundy family uniforms with Imperial rank insignia plaque.
Despite damage from the Jedi and a subsequent pirate attack, House Phalanx forces were still headquartered at Nirauan three years later, explicitly claiming to represent the Empire of the Hand. The Clawcraft unit led by Commander Chak Fel may have been part of the Phalanx at this time.
The galaxy encountered Household Phalanx forces again during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. In 25 ABY, Colonel Jagged Fel, the Baron's son, deployed with three squadrons of Clawcraft alongside Imperial forces at the battles of Garqi and Ithor. Jag sent one squadron back to his father, but the others stayed to fight the Yuuzhan Vong with the New Republic. Part of the force was still fighting alongside Rogue Squadron as late as the Battle of Kalarba.
Eventually, Colonel Fel's remaining two squadrons were recalled. His father focused on establishing remote bases in anticipation of a guerrilla war against the Yuuzhan Vong. By 27 ABY, Jag was removed from his command but was sent back with his wing guard to scout former New Republic space after the fall of Coruscant. On Hapes, he disobeyed orders and created a bush-pilot snubfighter force, Vanguard Squadron. Within a few months, he was again in command of a full Clawcraft squadron, sometimes called "Chiss Squadron."
During this time, political events were occurring in the Unknown Regions. The fate of the Empire of the Hand and the Household Phalanx is unclear, but by 28 ABY, Baron Fel was apparently Assistant Syndic of the CEDF. In 30 ABY, Colonel Fel was appointed as the Chiss Ascendancy's Ambassador to the Galactic Alliance. The Household Phalanx was not mentioned again after the war.
Most outsiders encountered Household Phalanx personnel as skilled fighter pilots flying Chiss hybrid versions of the Empire's TIE Series starfighters, operating from hidden fortresses on remote worlds. The force was almost entirely Chiss, and squadron commanders were chosen by their pilots, although superior officers could reassign them. The total number of personnel is unknown; at least a hundred scouts were based at Nirauan in 19 ABY, and 36 Clawcraft were deployed at Garqi and Ithor seven years later, but the total may have been much larger. Training facilities and combat bases were scattered in remote locations around the galaxy. While some recruitment occurred among the children of serving personnel, the Phalanx's ranks were also filled by volunteers and defectors from the Ascendancy.
One notable recruit was Jagged Fel. For political reasons, he was enrolled in a military academy operated by the Ascendancy's line military and commissioned into a Colonial Phalanx guarding a Chiss colony world. However, he and his Chiss wing guard Shawnkyr Nuruodo joined the House Phalanx, likely by defection. Around 24 ABY, his Chiss comrades chose him as a starfighter squadron commander. By 25 ABY, he was a colonel with several squadrons under his command, as the Phalanx seemed to have maintained the Imperial system where colonels commanded larger formations than single squadrons.
The fate of the Household Phalanx after the political events of 28 ABY is unknown, but Baron Fel and his son later appeared as senior officers of the CEDF. The House Phalanx's distinctive burgundy uniforms and Clawcraft later appeared with Chiss warriors claiming to be soldiers of the CEDF.
The House Phalanx pilots who accompanied Colonel Fel to the reception for the allied forces before the Battle of Ithor wore white uniforms instead of burgundy, a color more suitable for troops assigned to an Admiral of the Defense Hierarchy than a unit associated with a Ruling Family.
Sources disagree on whether the Mitth family or the Nuruodo family controlled this phalanx. Since Outbound Flight established burgundy as the Mitth family color, this article assumes the former is correct.