The Nuruodo family, alternatively referred to as House Nuruodo or the Second Ruling Family, constituted a Chiss kin-group hailing from Naporar. They were one of the key Ruling Families within the Chiss Ascendancy, bearing the responsibility for both the establishment of foreign policy and the management of military matters. This encompassed the command structure of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force alongside the Chiss military units known as Household and Colonial Phalanxes.
A study, generated by the University of Sanbra near the conclusion of the New Republic era, indicated that the Nuruodo lineage was among the four primary Ruling Families presiding over the Chiss oligarchy. The study's findings highlighted their control over military affairs and foreign policy, establishing them as the second-most influential Family, following the Csapla family. It was generally accepted that most external interactions with the Chiss were conducted through representatives of the Nuruodo family.
During the period of the Clone Wars, Sev'eere'nuruodo held the position of Aristocra within the family. He encountered the young Chiss Jedi named Nuru Kungurama during a diplomatic undertaking. Born with the name Kung'urama'nuruodo, Kungurama was himself a member of the Second Ruling Family. However, he was raised outside of Chiss Space at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. As an infant in 33 BBY, Kungurama was placed alone inside the escape pod of a Chiss ship along with a data cylinder bearing his name. He was discovered adrift by two Jedi whose translator droids misinterpreted the data cylinder, leading them to name him Nuru Kungurama. He retained no memories of his life among the Chiss, and he would have no contact with his family or others of his species until his meeting with Sev'eere'nuruodo eleven years later.