Csapla family

The Csapla family, alternatively known as House Csapla, constituted a Chiss Ruling Family tasked with the administration of colonial affairs, agricultural production, and the allocation of natural resources throughout the entire Chiss Ascendancy. The most significant of these duties was the distribution of resources to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla and the twenty-eight Chiss Space colonies. The family's ancestral home was the planet Cioral. Despite being highly urbanized, House Csapla administered the Ascendancy's six agricultural colonies from this location.

After the decline of five other Ruling Families in 28 ABY, the Csapla family, along with the Inrokini, Sabosen, and Nuruodo families, continued to govern the Chiss Ascendancy. During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong around this period, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker sought assistance from Jagged Fel in seeking information regarding Chiss knowledge of Zonama Sekot and their aspirations to strengthen the relationship between the Chiss and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. They requested Fel to provide contacts within the Csapla and the other three Ruling Families who could aid them in these objectives. Fel declined to answer, asserting that he lacked knowledge of the specific individuals within each family holding the authority to assist with the Skywalker's requests and was unwilling to share the information even if he possessed it.

Behind the scenes

The Csapla family was initially referenced in The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Chiss, a 2001 article penned by Juan Schwartz and featured in Star Wars Gamer 5.

