
Photoproteins constituted a type of protein exhibiting bioluminescent characteristics, and they were indigenous to the planet known as Reena. The radiant glow produced by photoproteins after they were dispersed by rainfall was a focal point of celebration during the annual Queen's Bloom Festival.


Characterized by bioluminescence, photoproteins were a specific class of protein. These proteins were found on Reena, a planet, where they existed within the rain until being carried onto the pollen of various plants. Following the conclusion of the heavy season, as the plants began to blossom, the photoproteins commenced their emission of light in a spectrum of colors.


The Queen's Bloom Festival was an annual event that commemorated the dispersal of photoproteins on Reena. Axel Greylark, a student at Reena University around 396 BBY, understood the mechanism by which photoproteins caused this phenomenon and found it aesthetically pleasing. However, he also viewed the celebration as a means to attract tourism to Reena. The dean of theological studies at the university posited a connection between the phenomenon and the Force, inviting a group of Jedi to the Queen's Bloom Festival in hopes of validating his hypothesis. Greylark dismissed the dean's theory as "hokey" but welcomed the distraction provided by the Jedi's presence as he sought to avoid his festival duties.

Behind the scenes

The short story "The Queen's Bloom," penned by Zoraida Córdova, featured photoproteins. This story was included in the 2023 young-adult anthology titled The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, which was part of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative. In the real world, photoproteins function as reactants produced by bioluminescent organisms, enabling them to generate light.

