
Po'acksters, beings characterized by their four eyes and production of pink milk, were deemed scarce and valuable sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY. Consequently, several were held inside an Imperial warehouse situated within the Imperial Warehousing District of the planet E'ronoh. It was during this time that the Weequay named Jand guided the smuggler Sana Starros to this warehouse, as she sought a swift profit. After Jand sliced their way into the structure, Starros came across the po'acksters, prompting Jand to propose trading them due to their rarity and high demand. Starros rejected Jand's suggestion, leading the Weequay to attempt to persuade Starros by recommending she sample their milk, an offer Starros declined once more. Jand then told Starros that they would locate a suitable po'ackster for her, asserting that they made excellent companions. Starros retorted that she had no need for a new friend and then departed the warehouse.

