
title: Pomojema

Once revered by the indigenous population of Mimban as a deity of healing, Pomojema's significance waned with the rise of disruptive mining settlements on the planet. This minor god was said to possess a humanoid form, complete with wings, and a face composed of tentacles. Within the Temple of Pomojema, priests utilized a Kaiburr crystal to enhance their inherent Force powers.


The world of Mimban, home to the Mimbanites, Coways, Thrella, and other sentient species, was once dotted with numerous temples and sanctuaries dedicated to a vast pantheon of deities. Pomojema was merely one of many, and not particularly prominent. Serving as a relatively obscure healing god, the precise details of Pomojema's worship and abilities had largely faded into obscurity by the time the Galactic Civil War brought Imperial occupation. Many dismissed tales of miraculous healings attributed to him as mere superstition. Nevertheless, the Temple of Pomojema housed the legendary Kaiburr crystal, an artifact capable of amplifying the Force power of its wielder. It's plausible that the stories surrounding Pomojema's healing prowess stemmed from Force healing made stronger by the Kaiburr crystal.

By 2 ABY, the Temple of Pomojema lay deserted, except for a Hssiss that had made it its lair, likely drawn by the Kaiburr crystal's connection to the Force. Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker engaged Darth Vader in combat within the temple, as he sought the Kaiburr crystal, which allowed their ally Halla the opportunity to secure the crystal.

Personality and traits

Pomojema's defining characteristic was his aptitude for healing. His temple featured a statue depicting him with a vaguely humanoid shape, adorned with leathery wings and hands and feet tipped with large claws. Instead of a conventional humanoid face beneath his eyes, he possessed a cluster of coiling tentacles.

Behind the scenes

Joseph Bongiorno, the author, has alluded to a potential link between Pomojema and Typhojem. While no official source has explicitly confirmed this connection, Bongiorno's remarks suggest that Pomojema's visual representation bears a striking resemblance to Cthulhu, the god-like entity described in the works of horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Early conceptual artwork for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story initially featured the Temple of Pomojema as a setting, but it was eventually replaced by the Temple of the Kyber.

