Prima Wessex

Prima Wessex was a human information broker of the female persuasion who was employed by the clandestine organization known as the Whisper Network. Her writings can be found in the Smuggler's Guide, a logbook where she detailed a meeting with Sam Kenzie which occurred on Hosnian Prime. Wessex also expressed a low opinion of various intelligence agencies, specifically naming the Kupohan Spynet and Deep Current, in addition to the organization called the Assemblers. Circa 0 ABY, she was invited to attend the Obroan Intelligence Summit, but prior to her attendance, she met her demise at the hands of Doctor Cornelius Evazan.

Behind the scenes

The character of Prima Wessex was initially introduced in the 2018 sourcebook titled Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, penned by the author Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (Initial Appearance)

Notes and references
