Principles of Rajivari

The Rajivari Principles comprised a collection of doctrines authored by Rajivari, an early Jedi Master, at the time of the Jedi Order's inception. These tenets, deemed radical and eventually heretical, led to Master Rajivari's adherents being defeated by the inaugural Jedi High Council on Tython during the Pre-Republic era.

General Information

One of the original founders of the Jedi Order, Master Rajivari, held the conviction that the Jedi should leverage their mastery of the Force to seize control and govern the galaxy, thereby assisting in the administration of numerous star systems through Force-guided leadership. Upon the initial Jedi High Council's rejection of this concept, Master Rajivari relinquished his position and embarked on a mission to dismantle the Order he had helped establish, under the belief that the High Council was content with inadequacy rather than pursuing excellence.

After Rajivari and his disciples sought sanctuary within the fortified city of Kaleth, the Master's Principles instilled in them a profound sense of obligation, culminating in their collective demise during the Council's subsequent siege of Kaleth. Although the Council was unaware, the renegade Jedi Master had constructed a clandestine repository known as the Fount of Rajivari, concealed within an age-old acropolis and safeguarded by intricate mechanisms that demanded a comprehensive grasp of the principles to bypass.

Core Beliefs

Due to the consequences of the conflict and the disappearance of numerous original documents and accounts from that period, a complete understanding of Rajivari's principles has been obscured by history. Only the second, fifth, and seventh principles have endured.

