
Originating from the planet of Chalacta, Prithi was a female Chalactan who possessed Force-sensitivity. From her earliest years, she underwent instruction to become a member of the Chalactan Adepts, but her passion for piloting starfighters ultimately diverted her from that path.

During the Galactic Civil War, she served as a pilot within the Rebel Alliance. Her exceptional abilities and demonstrated reliability led to her selection by Leia Organa for a team tasked with identifying a mole operating within the Alliance. This team operated in complete secrecy, with only Mon Mothma aware of their existence beyond the team's members. In addition to uncovering the mole, they were also charged with locating a suitable planet to serve as a new base for the Alliance.

During the team's training period, Prithi developed feelings for one of her fellow pilots, Luke Skywalker, and they embarked on a romantic relationship. Leia Organa viewed their fraternization with concern, eventually grounding them both for behavior detrimental to the team's mission. However, Prithi and Skywalker redeemed themselves by rescuing their team from an Imperial ambush, leading to their reinstatement to full duty.

Prithi participated in a clandestine operation aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, Devastator. However, her dedication to Skywalker compromised the mission when she refused to abandon her comrades despite their delayed infiltration of the vessel. Disregarding protocols designed to prevent Imperial pursuit, she initiated a solitary hyperspace jump back to the Rebel fleet, inadvertently leading an Imperial force directly to the Rebellion. Although the Alliance successfully defended against the attack, Prithi made the decision to leave the Rebellion and return to Chalacta.


Early life

On the planet of Chalacta, Prithi born to parents who desired her to pursue religious studies and become a Chalactan Adept. Despite possessing a degree of Force-sensitivity from birth, the order ultimately deemed Prithi unsuitable. This stemmed from her lack of focus, driven by her conviction that she was destined for a more significant purpose beyond Chalacta. Defying her parents' wishes, Prithi abandoned her studies and resolved to become a pilot for the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the ruling Galactic Empire.

Upon enlisting in the Alliance, Prithi's file was noticeably brief compared to those of other pilots, yet her skills were sufficient to attract the attention of Alliance High Command. While Rebel leaders attributed the limited information to her extensive training on Chalacta, others, including Leia Organa, suspected it indicated inadequate vetting by those who had accepted her into the Alliance, suggesting her file was likely incomplete.

Rebel pilot

Prithi flirting with Luke Skywalker during their training mission

Two months following the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa, a prominent leader within the Rebellion, selected Prithi for a special assignment. Addressing Prithi and several other Rebel pilots, Organa declared that they now constituted a commando team under her direct command, with Wedge Antilles serving as her second-in-command. The team's mission was to identify and eliminate an Imperial spy who was sabotaging the Alliance's efforts to establish a new base. Consequently, the team would operate entirely off the record, with their reassignment and existence concealed. Despite Prithi's initial hesitation to leave her post and friends, Organa assured her that the assignment would be temporary. After the team members were introduced, each received a stealth X-wing starfighter specifically designed for the mission.

As a member of Gray Flight, Prithi was assigned the call sign Gray Seven, and the team commenced training exercises. In one such exercise, designed to simulate extravehicular retrieval, Prithi was deliberately stranded in space to be rescued by another pilot. Gray Five, Luke Skywalker, successfully located Prithi and brought her aboard. During the operation, Prithi flirted with Skywalker, prompting a reprimand from Organa, who emphasized the need for professionalism during the exercise. However, instead of immediately returning to the Rebel fleet, Skywalker intentionally made several detours to evade potential trackers. During the flight, Prithi and Skywalker grew closer due to the confined space of the cockpit. Upon their return, both Skywalker and Prithi were reprimanded by Organa for their delayed arrival. Prithi was confined to her quarters, while both Skywalker and Prithi were grounded indefinitely. Organa personally informed Prithi that she would be excluded from the upcoming missions and assigned her to assist the protocol droid, C-3PO, in reconfiguring the team's holosimulators.

Tracking the mole

Prithi is revived by Mon Mothma after returning to the Rebel fleet.

Skywalker and Prithi continued their relationship during their grounding, and Prithi learned about Skywalker's Force-sensitivity. During one of their meals, Prithi witnessed Skywalker communicating with the spirit of Ben Kenobi, a Jedi Master who had instructed Skywalker in the ways of the Force. Kenobi warned Skywalker that Leia Organa was in danger, prompting the two pilots to prepare their X-wings for a rescue mission. Guided by coordinates provided by Kenobi, Skywalker and Prithi departed the fleet and located Organa. Upon reaching the coordinates, the two Rebels discovered Gray Flight surrounding Organa's heavily damaged X-wing. However, Imperial forces were approaching rapidly, leaving them with a limited window of opportunity. As Prithi used the Force to anticipate the Imperials' arrival, Skywalker devised a trap for the enemy. After Organa sealed herself inside her wrecked starfighter, Skywalker retrieved a proton torpedo from the craft, armed it, and used the Force to propel it and several ion engines into the path of the oncoming Imperials.

Moments before the Imperials hyperspace jumped into their location, Prithi alerted the group, and Gray Flight launched their torpedoes at the engines and the attached torpedo. The resulting explosion crippled the Imperial Star Destroyers and its TIE Interceptor squadron, enabling Gray Flight to escape. Upon returning to the Rebel fleet, Prithi realized the depth of Skywalker's feelings for Leia Organa. Witnessing his distress over Organa's injuries confirmed that his affection for the Rebel leader surpassed his feelings for her. She gathered her belongings and left Skywalker, ending their relationship. Following the rescue mission, Prithi continued to collaborate with the Alliance and alongside Skywalker to expose the Imperial spy. Their subsequent mission involved infiltrating the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator to slice into Imperial systems and identify the mole within their ranks. To gain access, Skywalker and Wedge Antilles piloted a YZ-775 medium transport to Imperial space with Prithi concealed aboard in her X-wing.

Using counterfeit transponder codes, Antilles and Skywalker rendezvoused with the Devastator. Prithi detached from their ship as her fellow Rebels were taken aboard, and she secured her ship to the Devastator using magnets as a backup plan in case the mission was compromised. As the mission progressed, Prithi meditated in her hidden X-wing to conserve oxygen. The mission extended beyond their expectations, and Prithi's R5 astromech droid awakened her from her meditation, informing her that her life support system was critically low. Unable to contact her fellow Rebels via comms, Prithi persisted in her attempts. Despite her astromech droid's urging to abandon the mission, Prithi insisted that they remain, even if it meant disregarding the security protocols of performing multiple hyperspace jumps before returning to the fleet.

However, the deadline for returning to the fleet to replenish oxygen passed. Prithi was compelled to escape from the Devastator without Skywalker and Antilles. Upon her return, she was barely alive. Unconscious, Prithi was extracted from her locked starfighter by Rebel technicians, but signs of life were faint, her body cold to the touch. Mon Mothma personally administered chest compressions, and Prithi briefly regained consciousness, recognizing the Rebel leader. Suffering from severe hypoxia, Prithi was provided with a rebreather and rushed to the sick bay.

Leaving the Rebellion

Prithi and Luke Skywalker hug goodbye following her decision to leave the Rebel Alliance.

It became evident that Prithi's disregard for protocols had allowed the Empire to track her ship, prompting Mothma to order the fleet to prepare for an attack. Her suspicions were confirmed when the Devastator arrived, having followed Prithi's single hyperspace jump. During the ensuing battle, Prithi was recovering in the med bay, but she reached out through the Force to contact Skywalker, who had escaped from the Devastator. Prithi apologized for having to abandon them and offered encouragement to Skywalker throughout the attack. The Rebels successfully repelled the attack when their commander, Colonel Kell Bircher, was revealed to be a double agent for the Alliance, ordering his entire squadron to surrender to the Rebellion.

Despite the fact that Prithi's missteps had inadvertently benefited the Alliance and facilitated Bircher's return to the Rebel fleet, she still felt a sense of guilt. She resolved to leave the Rebellion and return to her homeworld of Chalacta. Skywalker attempted to dissuade Prithi, asserting that no one blamed her for the events that transpired during the mission, but she remained unconvinced. She argued that her failures had tarnished her reputation, making it difficult to rebuild. However, she harbored another reason for leaving. The Force had once again called to her, guiding her down a different path. She desired to explore her Force-sensitivity in one of her planet's spiritual retreats, despite her enduring passion for flying. Once she had made her decision, Skywalker embraced her in farewell, and she expressed her belief that he would achieve great things in the future.


During their mission to infiltrate the Devastator, Wedge Antilles stated his intention to include Prithi in the successor to their stealth squadron, a group he would name Rogue Squadron. However, her departure from the Rebellion excluded her from the newly formed group. Prithi's prediction that Skywalker would accomplish extraordinary feats proved accurate, as he became a hero of the Rebellion and revived the Jedi Order.

Personality and traits

Prithi kisses Luke Skywalker after their training mission.

Prithi was both a gifted pilot and a valued member of the Rebel Alliance. Her piloting skills were so impressive that she caught the attention of Alliance command and was chosen by Leia Organa for a special assignment to uncover an Imperial spy within the Rebel ranks. During the training exercises for this mission, Prithi became infatuated with Luke Skywalker and pursued a romantic relationship with him. However, this attraction caused her to lose her sense of professionalism, leading her commander to temporarily ground her. After being reinstated to active duty, Prithi's affection for Skywalker led her to jeopardize the location of the Rebel fleet when she refused to abandon him aboard the Devastator. This nearly resulted in her death, as her life-support systems failed during the extended wait for her comrades to return from their mission. This oversight forced her to return to the fleet without making the appropriate hyperspace jumps to deter pursuing vessels, inadvertently leading the Imperials back to the Rebellion. Her failures during this mission prompted her to leave the Rebellion, believing that her reputation had been damaged by the risks she had taken and how she had endangered the Rebel fleet. Although she still loved being a pilot, she felt that she was destined for a different purpose.

Prithi possessed a latent talent in the Force, which was cultivated during her training to become a Chalactan Adept. However, she struggled to focus on her studies, believing that she was meant for a different calling. This conviction led her to abandon her training and join the Rebellion. Prithi utilized her Force abilities to communicate with Skywalker over distances, strengthening their bond when she discovered his own Force-sensitivity. She was also able to use her abilities to sense danger, and was able to warn her superiors about impending attacks from Imperial soldiers. Following her mission to the Devastator, the Force beckoned her to return to her studies, and she left the Rebellion to return to Chalacta and further develop her Force-sensitivity.

Behind the scenes

Prithi made her debut in the second issue of the comic book series simply titled Star Wars, published by Dark Horse Comics. The issue was written by Brian Wood, illustrated by Carlos D'Anda, and colored by Gabe Eltaeb. It was released on February 13, 2013. Prithi featured prominently throughout the first arc of the comic, In the Shadow of Yavin, and also played a role in the second arc, From the Ruins of Alderaan. By the conclusion of the second arc, she had left the Rebellion and ended her relationship with Luke Skywalker.

