Pursal was a lieutenant who served as a crew member on the Stardream, a passenger liner. This occurred during its ill-fated last journey in 3639 BBY, when the rakghoul plague began to spread. As the individual responsible for the ship's log, Pursal documented the final days of the Stardream and its passengers before the vessel's crash on the planet of Tatooine.
During the era of the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Pursal held the rank of lieutenant aboard the passenger liner known as the Stardream. In 3639 BBY, the Stardream embarked on a voyage from the planet Ord Mantell carrying 492 civilian passengers, with Captain Magnus in command. Pursal's duty was to maintain the official record of the ship's journey. By the fifth day, reports of suspected food poisoning began to surface. However, by the seventh day, it became clear that the illness was actually the rakghoul plague, which had rapidly infected numerous passengers, leading to the quarantine of decks 1 through 5.
Two days later, Pursal himself succumbed to the infection. He recorded that Magnus had also fallen ill, experiencing a mental breakdown that led him to seize control of the bridge and divert the Stardream from its intended course. Three days after this, Pursal made his final entry in the log, reporting that the starship was lost within hyperspace and that the crew was planning to attempt to regain control of the ship from the now-deranged Magnus. Ultimately, the Stardream met its end, crashing onto the surface of the planet Tatooine. Pursal's log was later recovered in a partially reconstructed state from the wreckage.
The character of Pursal was referenced in the Codex entry titled "The Final Flight of the Stardream." This entry was part of the Rakghoul Pandemic World Event, which was integrated into the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2012 through Game Update 1.1.