The individual who was the youngest male heir of House Elegin on the world of Asmeru secretly led a piratical team in the last decades of the Galactic Republic. This person chose Q'anah, whose father led security for his family, to be his mistress. She would later become a member of his band of pirates. She lived a loud, exciting existence fighting with his subordinates and ultimately bearing triplets who were fathered by her lover. This young aristocrat was ultimately apprehended, put on trial, and then killed on the planet Karfeddion. After the aristocrat's demise, Q'anah assumed leadership of the pirate group and devoted her existence to avenging him by attacking vessels and colonies in the Senex-Juvex regions.
The first reference to Q'anah's love interest, though without naming him, appeared in the novel Tarkin, authored by James Luceno and published in 2014.