Qual'do Herm, an Aqualish male, held the rank of officer within the Rebel Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War.
In his younger years, Qual'do Herm, alongside his friend I'klee'trao (an expert in acoustic technology), pursued studies in alien surgery at the Scientarium Academia. He was known as the most skilled surgeon in a 10 parsec radius around Corellia, however, he was forced to give up his practice due to overwhelming anxiety.

During the Galactic Civil War, Qual'do Herm became an officer within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Following the Battle of Yavin, his base of operations was located at the Hidden Rebel Base situated on the planet Corellia.
At some point during the Galactic Civil War, Herm made contact with someone who had just completed an assignment from C-3PO: delivering a comlink to 'Klee. 'Klee's employer was secretly funded by the Galactic Empire, and the comlink would transmit crucial information to the Rebellion. Upon the individual's return after delivering the comlink, Herm rewarded them with 200 credits.
Later, Herm received information from 'Klee about a secret compound being shipped to his research facility. This compound would significantly reduce the noise of Imperial probe droids, making them harder to detect. Herm once again enlisted the help of the individual who had delivered the comlink, tasking them with intercepting the shipment being escorted by Sergeant Montage. The individual successfully eliminated Montage and his two stormtrooper guards, recovering the compound and delivering it to Herm in exchange for 250 credits.
'Klee contacted Herm again, this time reporting that the Empire was considering shutting down the project due to the loss of the expensive prototype compound. Together, they devised a plan to halt the project entirely, requiring the individual's assistance once more. Herm instructed the individual to meet with the Imperial Officer overseeing the project, a Captain Sargon, and acquire the blueprints for the new probe droids. The individual succeeded by assassinating Sargon and his stormtrooper escort, handing the documents over to Herm, who then passed them on to the Alliance High Command.
Unfortunately, the Imperials discovered 'Klee's comlink and learned of his treachery, resulting in his arrest and death sentence. For the final time, Herm sought the individual's help to rescue 'Klee from Imperial custody. He provided 'Klee's last known coordinates and urged the individual to act swiftly. The individual successfully freed 'Klee, bringing him back to Herm just in time to save his life. Herm expressed his gratitude and directed the individual to Wedge Antilles for future assignments.

In 1 ABY, Qual'do Herm was assigned to observe the Corporate Sector. During this assignment, he was contacted by an Ithorian scientist named T'licl Zanedi. Zanedi was working on a project to develop a novel concentrated energy source at a secret Imperial research center, disguised as a simple warehouse, in the Riverlands region of Corellia. Realizing the compound's instability and danger, Zanedi sought to sabotage the project. Consequently, Qual'do Herm dispatched a team of Rebel operatives to the Imperial research center. The Rebel spacers attacked the building, defended by a contingent of stormtroopers, and successfully stole the project's design overview, development notes, and a sample of the new energy compound.
Qual'do Herm made an appearance as a non-player character (NPC) in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its closure on December 15, 2011. In the game's original release, Qual'do Herm offered four short quests to Rebel players as part of the "Rebel Theme Park." These quests were replaced by a single, longer quest during the "Rebel Theme Park's" revamp, which was released with the "Chapter 6" update on May 22, 2007.