The Rebel Hideout, alternatively called the Hidden Rebel Base, situated on the planet Corellia, served as one of the temporary headquarters for the Alliance High Command after the Battle of Yavin as they searched for a more secure and clandestine location. It also functioned as a recruitment center for new Rebel combatants and a dispatch point for Rebel spacers offering assistance to the Alliance's operations.

The Hidden Rebel Base acted as a concealed "command and control" hub for Rebel activities. It was established on Corellia, specifically in the secluded mountain region known as Rhaler's Bastion.
The Rebel Hideout consisted of a central command building along with six smaller structures. Beneath the base, accessible through one of the smaller surface buildings, was an underground holding facility. Furthermore, the base featured a pair of small landing areas intended for shuttles.

A towering wall surrounded the base, which was further protected by multiple laser turrets. The Rebels stationed there maintained a constant state of readiness against potential Imperial incursions and conducted patrols in the surrounding mountainous terrain. Adding to the security, the underground prison was guarded by a unit of Rebel commandos, Rebel troopers, Rebel Desert Troopers, Rebel Prison Troopers Rebel SpecForce troopers, blastromech droids, prison battle droids and tracker droids.
Princess Leia Organa founded the Rebel Hideout following the Battle of Yavin, with support from independent Corellians who were keen to oppose the Empire and provide sanctuary to the Rebel Alliance. Initially, the base served as a temporary encampment while Echo Base was being constructed on Hoth; however, it subsequently evolved into the primary Rebel operational center. From this location, Leia Organa strategized how to capitalize on the Alliance's triumph at the Battle of Yavin.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, several prominent figures of the Rebellion operated from the Hidden Rebel Base, including Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia Organa, Wedge Antilles, Qual'do Herm, and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. They frequently enlisted Rebel combatants to aid the Alliance in crucial endeavors, such as the rescue of Rebel spy Simo Oron, the infiltration of a secret Imperial research center on Corellia, or the recovery of pilfered X-wing starfighters from an Imperial Base. Teslo Ten'Doora, another Rebel officer, was also stationed there around the same period.
During 1 ABY, Finn Darktrin, an Imperial spy, successfully infiltrated the Rebel Alliance and visited the base, but he ultimately chose not to divulge its location to the Empire.
Also in 1 ABY, an Alliance shuttle suffered a crash near the Corellian city of Tyrena during the Empire Day celebrations. Through information gleaned from the crash site, an Imperial agent working for Emperor's Hand Mara Jade uncovered the base's whereabouts. The Empire discovered the existence of a prison facility within the base, which held six Imperial officers. Subsequently, Mara Jade tasked a team of Imperial operatives with raiding the base and liberating the prisoners. The Imperial agents successfully carried out the mission and were awarded the Imperial Badge of Meritorious Service in recognition of their achievement. Many Rebel soldiers, pilots, and officers perished during the assault, including trooper Jorel Sherrol, pilot Lancer Sair, Major Caleb Shoma, desert trooper Falen Buir, SpecForce trooper Titus Froud, and the Jedi Chard Fristena.
The Hidden Rebel Base made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.
Within the game, the Rebel Hideout served as the location for several well-known Rebel characters who assigned a series of quests to Rebel players as part of the "Rebel Theme Park." This questline underwent a complete overhaul with the release of "Chapter 6," on May 22, 2007, though this update did not bring any changes to the base itself. The underground detention facility was incorporated into the Rebel base through "Game Update 11," released on June 23, 2009, and was present during the Empire Day events of 2009, 2010 and 2011.