A raid occurred on Kidriff 5 in 7 ABY, executed by both Wraith Squadron and Rogue Squadron.
Wedge Antilles and Chewbacca piloted the Millennium Falsehood to Kidriff 5, an urban planet allied with the Warlord Zsinj. Their mission involved delivering two operatives from the New Republic Intelligence Service. Subsequently, the ship departed, aiming to draw the attention of Zsinj's forces and deceive them into thinking it was the Millennium Falcon.
Prior to the engagement, Garik "Face" Loran uncovered that pilot Lara Notsil was, in reality, Gara Petothel, a one-time agent of Imperial Intelligence. After TIE fighters retreated to their base to regroup, he accosted her and arrested her. Petothel cooperated.
Upon learning of Notsil's true identity via a public channel broadcast, Myn Donos launched a proton torpedo at her starfighter. However, it exploded prematurely, causing damage to Garik Loran's X-wing, who was safeguarding her. Petothel, not trusting that the Wraiths could shield her from Donos's renewed attempt on her life before a court martial, initiated a jump to hyperspace.