Rakatan guardian droid

The Rakatan guardian droids of Lehon were products of Rakata engineering, fabricated during the zenith of the Infinite Empire.

An example of these droids functioned as a supervisor during the building of the Star Map temple located on Dantooine. It remained active, awaiting the return of a Rakata to inquire about the Star Forge. By 3956 BBY, a full twenty-five millennia had passed without a Rakata presence in the area. Nonetheless, the droid continued to function, ready to assist the first individual who entered, Revan, demonstrating the superior quality of its construction. This droid's age approached 25,000 years, predating even the Galactic Republic.

These droids, acting as overseers of slaves, were programmed with the languages spoken by the Rakata's enslaved species, encompassing Selkath, Tusken, and Rakata. Upon activation, they would repeatedly utter a phrase, cycling through their programmed languages until the individual interacting with them responded using the same language. A case in point is when Revan and Bastilla Shan entered the Dantooine temple; the Overseer droid attempted to communicate with them multiple times, until they both recognized its archaic form of Selkath, and then it communicated with them in that language.

These droids possessed substantial armor and a formidable array of weaponry. If deactivated, they could be fully repaired and brought back online through a computer terminal. During the Battle of Rakata Prime, Darth Malak activated numerous construction units to continuously generate these droids, intending to stop, and potentially eliminate, his former master, Revan.

