
title: Ralrracheen

Ralrracheen, also known as Ralrra, was a male Wookiee who fulfilled the role of ambassador representing Kashyyyk following his interactions with the Galactic Republic.


Due to a speech impediment, Ralrracheen's rendition of Shyriiwook was more easily deciphered by Basic speakers familiar with the Wookiee tongue, an asset that proved valuable in his diplomatic endeavors. Later in life, he was enslaved by the Empire, and his Imperial captors exploited his linguistic skills to communicate with other Wookiees. Initially, he resisted the Imperial occupation, but he relented after the execution of a dozen women and children from his family. His closeness to Imperial officers allowed him to gather critical intelligence for the Alliance's campaign to liberate Kashyyyk. In line with Wookiee tradition, after the Alliance liberated Kashyyyk, he incurred a life debt to the Alliance. At some point, he relocated to Rwookrrorro, the capital city of Kashyyyk.

When Chewbacca escorted Princess Leia Organa Solo to Kashyyyk for protection from Grand Admiral Thrawn's Noghri Death Commandos, Ralrra was one of the two Wookiees tasked with guarding her. Given that she was in the process of learning Shyriiwook, his distinct pronunciation facilitated communication between them, eliminating the need for a translator. This proved particularly useful as her usual translator, C-3PO, was absent at the time.

He remained with her at the residence of Salporin, which later came under attack by the Noghri. The Noghri ignited fires in the surrounding dwellings as a diversion, enabling them to infiltrate Salporin's home. During the ensuing conflict, Salporin was killed, and Ralrra sustained injuries from a stun weapon. He then journeyed beneath the city alongside Chewbacca and Leia, facilitating their escape to their vessel, the borrowed Lady Luck. Following the completion of his protective assignment, he was present at the funeral of Salporin.

Years afterward, Ralrra attended Chewbacca's funeral, which was prompted by the Yuuzhan Vong's assault on Sernpidal early in the war. Ralrracheen presided over the mourning ceremony. During the service, Ralrra recounted Chewbacca's numerous accomplishments and adventures. He delivered the eulogy in Basic, marking one of the rare instances of a Wookiee speaking the language.

Personality and traits

Ralrracheen displayed considerable willpower, only yielding to Imperial demands after the death of several female Wookiees. He was also recognized for his ability to collaborate with individuals from other species, as evidenced by his role as a senator for the Galactic Republic.


Ralrracheen was known to wield the traditional Ryyk blade in combat.

