The memorial service for Chewbacca occurred on Kashyyyk, a half a year following Chewbacca's demise during the Sernpidal cataclysm.

Nom Anor proposed to Prefect Da'Gara that the Yuuzhan Vong should obliterate Sernpidal as a means of luring New Republic vessels into a prepared attack. Da'Gara opted for the Yo'gand's Core strategy, employing a dovin basal to force Sernpidal's moon, Dobido, into a collision course with the planet. Anakin Solo, Han Solo, and Chewbacca were present on Sernpidal, fulfilling a request for Lando Calrissian, and they endeavored to rescue as many inhabitants as they could. After retrieving an unconscious Anakin Solo and bringing him back to the Millennium Falcon, the intense winds resulting from the moon's atmospheric entry caused Chewbacca to fall. While Han Solo positioned himself at the boarding ramp to assist Chewie, Anakin piloted the Falcon. As the moon neared the planet, Anakin was forced to make a critical decision; to maximize the number of lives saved, he took off before Chewbacca could board. Chewbacca remained behind as the planet was annihilated, roaring in defiance at the approaching moon, having given his life for the survival of others.

A half year following the destruction of Sernpidal, Chewbacca's closest relatives and companions convened around a round table on the outskirts of Rwookrrorro on Kashyyyk to commemorate his passing. Lando Calrissian was unable to attend due to his involvement in a battle in the vicinity of Obroa-skai, and Mara Jade Skywalker remained on Coruscant due to the worsening of her ailment. Given the complete devastation of Sernpidal, and the utilization of its debris to construct a worldship, the retrieval of his remains was impossible, precluding a traditional Wookiee ceremony.
Ralrracheen, however, delivered a poignant speech in Basic, a rarity among Wookiees. He recounted Chewie's journey to the Shadow Forest with his friend, Salporin, and described his slaying of a quillarat for his mate, Malla.
Ralrra also detailed numerous adventures Chewie shared with Han, from his imprisonment under the Empire and his bond of honor to Han for liberating him, to Chewie's contributions to the Rebel Alliance, and subsequently the New Republic.
Following the speech, the attendees partook of the food arranged on the table, including barbecued trakkrrrn ribs, salads incorporating Rillrrnnn seeds, forest-honey cakes, and a selection of beverages. Malla presented Han with Chewie's original bowcaster, and Lumpawaroo gifted Han his father's carry pouch. Attichitcuk also made Han aware that Lowbacca and Waroo would be fulfilling Chewie's life debt.