A compound, the residence of the affluent Ranoraki family, existed on the planet Hetzal Prime in the age of the High Republic Era. This sprawling estate, defended by armed security personnel, featured a landing platform suitable for a sizable starship. As the Great Hyperspace Disaster unfolded, endangering the Hetzal system with a multitude of hyperspace anomalies, panic seized the populace. With an evacuation directive issued for the system, a crowd tried to force their way into the compound, seeking to commandeer the starship, but the guards discharged their weapons as a warning. Upon the arrival of Jedi and Galactic Republic reinforcements, Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan Bell Zettifar, sensing the palpable emotional stress, were compelled to intervene, disembarking from their Jedi Vector to handle the crisis directly.