
Ransley was a Captain serving in the Imperial Navy, a male of the Human species. He was in command of the Harvester, an Acclamator-class assault ship.

In the year 19 BBY, the Harvester caught up with the starship belonging to Dezono Qua near the desert world of Prine. However, the Jedi fugitive Dass Jennir was piloting the vessel, as he had eliminated its previous owner. Jennir opted to head for the planet instead of allowing the ship to be boarded, so Ransley commanded a pair of Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters to take Jennir's ship down.

The V-wings succeeded in forcing the civilian ship to crash; however, Jennir was able to deceive the two fighters into crashing into each other, which resulted in their destruction. Although the Jedi and his companion survived the crash, Ransley deliberately reported that the ship had been destroyed so that he could improve his chances of being promoted, information that was exploited by Beyghor Sahdett after he downloaded Ransley's reports in an attempt to locate Jennir.

