Raskar's agent

An individual from an alien species, working as an operative for Raskar, was often seen at the criminal den known as Junkfort Station. During 0 ABY, this alien conversed with the Wookiee Chewbacca, giving him information concerning a possible clue regarding the location of the power gem on Antipose. This ultimately caused a delay in Chewbacca's mission to rescue Han Solo from the assassins sent by Jabba the Hutt. Following this, the alien communicated with Raskar about the fact that Han and Chewbacca were on their way to Antipose, and then burst into loud laughter that could be heard by everyone in the bar, suggesting that while he was being truthful about the power gem, he had no faith in Han and Chewbacca's ability to acquire it.

Personality and traits

Other patrons of the bar noted that the spacer was not known to laugh unless it was at the misfortune of others.

