Red Squadron was a starfighter squadron of X-wing craft that belonged to the New Republic, and it was active in the months following the Battle of Endor.
The X-wing pilots of this squadron's participated in a battle in 4.3 ABY against the forces commanded by Imperial Warlord Ennix Devian. Devian's forces had initiated a feigned assault on Endor, the capital of the Alliance of Free Planets. They deployed what appeared to be a third Death Star—which was actually an incomplete worldcraft habitation sphere—along with a contingent of Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE fighters.
During the conflict, the pilot known as "Red Leader" was surprised to find a StarSpeeder 3000 from the Star Tours travel agency caught in the tractor beam of a Star Destroyer. After freeing the civilian ship and trying to shield it from incoming TIE fighters, the pilots headed towards the surface of the Death Star. "Red Leader" called upon his squadronmates, "Red Twenty-Four" and "Red Thirty", to provide cover so that an attack run could be performed on the battle station's weak point, the thermal exhaust port. An X-wing from Red Squadron, with Star Tours Flight 45 following closely, successfully struck the target, causing the station to explode as the group jumped into hyperspace.