The day preceding the Reflection Day festival was known as Reflection Eve. During this time, faithful visitors journeyed to Jedha City on Jedha's moon to peer into the Kyber Mirrors found below the Dome of Deliverance. In anticipation of Reflection Day, food vendors established booths throughout the city on Reflection Eve, offering celebratory dishes from all corners of the galaxy, such as roast turniks and bolus nuts. The celebrations extended to Reflection Eve itself, and when the traveler Zallo Blaak arrived in the city on Reflection Eve sometime before the city's destruction in 0 BBY, he found the celebrations in full flow and the streets teeming with activity.
The short story "Reflection Day" from the Life Day Treasury, a compilation of tales authored by George Mann and Cavan Scott and released in 2021, marked the initial appearance of Reflection Eve.