"Repel All Boarders!", a concise comic narrative, initially saw publication in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.18. The storyline centers around a confrontation involving Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the 38th Armored Division as they are hounded by Separatist adversaries, following a defeat suffered by the Republic Navy. It was subsequently reprinted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 5.

Set during the era of the Clone Wars, the narrative unfolds as Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, in conjunction with the 38th Armored Division composed of clone engineers, face defeat at the hands of Separatist forces in a space engagement. This loss is attributed to a tactical maneuver, a pincer movement, which decimates a significant portion of the Republic fleet. In the aftermath, the Jedi and a contingent of clones are compelled to evacuate aboard the Twilight. However, a fleet of vulture droids gives chase, inflicting substantial damage on the Twilight, notably disabling its hyperdrive.
Having crippled the vessel, the Separatist forces proceed to board it utilizing a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle. The clones, already bearing wounds from the preceding conflict, are in no condition for further combat, and the A5-RX battle tank they managed to salvage is rendered inoperable due to damage. In a desperate attempt to defend their position, the two Jedi engage the waves of B1-Series battle droids emerging from the boarding craft. Simultaneously, sergeant Gaffa rallies the clone engineers to dismantle components of their damaged battle tank. Utilizing their F-187 fusioncutters, they repurpose the tank's weapon system to construct an A5-RX spread-missile battle platform. This improvised weapon is then employed to obliterate the Separatist shuttle as B2 super battle droids and droidekas begin to deploy. Subsequently, the clones utilize the battle platform to eliminate the remaining vulture droids, securing their escape.