Resol'nare rhyme

Mandalorian younglings were instructed with a poem in their early years. This was done to aid them in understanding and memorizing the Resol'nare, which are the six core principles of Mandalorian culture. The poem, reflecting the Resol'nare, emphasized the significance of mastering the Mandalorian tongue known as Mando'a, donning Mandalorian battle armor, possessing the ability to protect oneself and family, showing allegiance to the Mand'alor, and nurturing children with these very values.

Akaavi Spar, a female Mandalorian Zabrak, articulated the Resol'nare poem to the commanding officer of a smuggling vessel she was a crew member of during the Galactic Republic-Sith Empire War, while in conversation about her cultural heritage and the six principles at its heart.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of this poem within the Star Wars expanded universe was in the second chapter epigraph of the 2008 book, Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, penned by the writer Karen Traviss. Later, the Mandalorian warrior Akaavi Spar quoted it in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2012 BioWare-developed massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

